Schneeflöckchen, Weißröckchen,
da kommst du geschneit;
Du kommst aus den Wolken,
dein Weg ist so weit.
Komm setz dich ans Fenster,
du lieblicher Stern;
malst Blumen und Blätter,
wir haben dich gern.
Schneeflöckchen, du deckst uns
die Blümelein zu,
dann schlafen sie sicher
in himmlischer Ruh'.
Schneeflöckchen, Weißröckchen,
komm zu uns ins Tal,
dann bau'n wir 'nen Schneemann
und werfen den Ball.
Translated by google.translate
Snow flakes, white skirt,because you get snowed; You come from the clouds your way is so long.
Come sit by the window,O lovely star;paint flowers and leaves, we have you liked.Snow flakes, you shower us the flowers to then they sleep safely in heavenly peace.
Snow flakes, white skirt,Come to us Valley we bau'n 'nen Schneemann and throw the ball.
Yep the summer season is allmost over and it's time to prepare the stuff for the long winter sleep. Time to sit inside with a nice warm cup of coffee and cake and dreaming of the next fieldseason with the liquid part of precipitation. Here some pictures of the Alptal with the second snow cover which last more then one day. |
First day and first time needed, snowcains on the car! |
Sequential rain gauge @ wsl station |
Close up sequential rain gauge @ wsl station filled with snow |
ATZ 19 snowcovered
... "event sampling" |