Thursday 30 September 2010

Isotope sampling part I, Otto a new generation students

Isotope sampling in the Alptal part I, a new generation of students.

Tuesday 28 September 2010

Autumn harvest time ...

After the rainfall from last weekend, now it’s harvesting time. The result is 276 bottles with total of 8.2 liters of water to be analyzed <:D in our Isolab.

Isco sampler ready to be emptied

IHK kit (Isotope harvesting kit)

IHK kit (Isotope harvesting kit)

20100925 Buckets of Rain ...

It started on Friday evening with a small shower and continued until Sunday morning. The widespectrum of precipitation: from rain, hail to snow. All Isco’s and Sequential samplers where collecting isotopes from rain and runoff, curious about the results.

This movie from the MeteoCH Precip-radar shows nicely the circling storm above the Alptal 

In the upper left corner time and date. In the center part you can see a mouse pointer indicating the alptal

WSL Geburtstag 125 & 40 Jahre im Alptal

40 Jahre hydrologische Forschung im Alptal, Gratuliere WSL und macht so weiter !!!!

Befor -> After 1st of August 2010

Some Pictures past – present with the result of 1st Augusts’ major food event. Many streams dug them self 20-50 cm in vertical and transported lots of sediment not caring of valuable instruments see pictures below.
Stream gauge ATE 21 after instalation and blessing with some good Whiskey for good results and luck!

Stream gauge ATE 21 after 1st of August

Stream gauge ATE 20 after installation

Stream gauge ATE 20 after 1st of August

Tuesday 21 September 2010

here it comes ...

the 1st event is comeing in ...

result 188  x 30 ml of H2O

The hunt is on ...

D & 18O be aware the hunt is on ...

source:  isotops_sueddeutschezeitung20091203