More station in Alpthal
The mountainous valley of the Alps behind Myth becomes a proper Research site. After a meteorological station and after a large research station for the behavior derWildbäche bei Hochwasser plans the Swiss Meteorological Institution already third research facility: A new Hygrometer with a 40 meter high Antenna is in the alder Tobel Information on air pollution . (From the "messenger" of 7 January 1986) Translated with
The mountainous valley of the Alps behind Myth becomes a proper Research site. After a meteorological station and after a large research station for the behavior derWildbäche bei Hochwasser plans the Swiss Meteorological Institution already third research facility: A new Hygrometer with a 40 meter high Antenna is in the alder Tobel Information on air pollution . (From the "messenger" of 7 January 1986) Translated with
More measurements in the Alptal! From the 60’s, 1986 up to now the Alptal was and is a hotspot for scientist from all around the world.
This news paper article from 1986 gave Annagreth from the Zwäcken hütte.
Thanks a lot!!!