Tuesday, 1 February 2011

The haunted logger 9257 - 9267

The haunted logger 9257 9267
In Mountains, strange things can happen. From a sunny bright day one is suddenly in a Foggy grey. Losing all senses and get lost. Trees can become fearsome wolperdinger ( a Bavarian fearsome creature, mix of different animals who attack lonely hikers) or a shaddows seems Zwäcken Märi. In lack of humans they play with hydrologist’s equipment. So it happened our Rain gauge 9257 was an easy victim. The first logger 9257 broke and couldn’t download the data. We replaced the older logger and renamed the location in logger 9267. Now in the office the logger was full of water and so broken. In which way water enterd the waterproof housing is still a mistery. Was it the Zwäcken Märi or ….    * ? Who knows?
Location of Rain gauge 9257 - 9267 with a shadow of Yeti?
Water and electronics isn’t a good combination. A short circuit with lots of corrosion damaged the loggers electronic board and caused loss of data. The only missing one in our precipitation measurements. Although it’s a pain, we have to apply good old hydrology: Interpolating 

Odyssey Rain gauge logger 9267 @ the Doctor for examination. The red arrow points to
Oxidized  circuits  

* A more scientific explanation : During transport the housing was upside down and so melt water from snow could enter via the tipping bucket cable  L !!