Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Thunderbolt and lightning... New record?

A hail storm hit at night over Switzerland. "We stood at 1.30 clock because of the hail tornadoes in bed," Report reader-reporter from Zurich. In the morning the storm and rain sound somewhat. "Towards evening we reached then the actual cold front," says Adriana Müller Meteonews to 20 minutes online.

This has it all: "There are 50 to 100 liters per square meter of rain may fall - depending on the station as much as usual in a month," warns the meteorologist. The situation comes to be so especially in the eastern and central Switzerland: the Appenzell region, the soils around by the storm on Sunday even more completely soaked, barely able to swallow water. "It is quite possible that there are again flooding and landslides," says Mueller.

Herisau new flood threat

The situation is tense, said Roger Schläpfer, commander of the Fire Department Herisau. "In some houses the sewage works because of the storms on Sunday are not." Even small amounts of rain could cause renewed flooding.

Already the storm of last night complained of large amounts of rain Switzerland: Since about midnight fell on the airport 43l/m2 Zurich, Bern 21l/m2

On Thursday the sun returns
On Thursday, the situation calmed down, the rain stops, but then the spring-like temperatures return to 20 degrees.
From: translated with\translate
The media is full of apocaliptic storys from flooding, lighting and end of the world.

More hydrological speaking: the spaghetti plot are forecasting quite some discharge for the Alp in Einsiedeln. What will the Erlenbach do? More than 1 m3/s or less? What will be the isotope harvest?
In some days more...

Monday, 11 July 2011

Knott, a plague from hell


Poor sheep ...
A plague sent from hell
They spoilt quite some holidays and now even fieldwork. Midges, Knott, Simuliidae… These annoying small friends can be found all around Europe. They form grey clouds and annoy cattle, tourist and hydrologist biting and sucking blood from them. The bites itches like hell and in worst case strange diseases are transmitted. So if you have a blue tongue...
The only remedy against these small creatures is high concentrated DEET, wind or simply RUN...

Respect to our PhD colleagues in Aberdeen who are able to do fieldwork in these harsh environments.

More stuff to read: Article from the NYtimes


2 RR events - 1 lost ;(

In the middel of the cloud with lots of rain and visibility  < 20 m


20110629 Sampled (AT 4,6,7,10 & 19)
Qerlenbach= ±0.9 m3/s and a second peak of 1.7 m3/s
20110708 Sampled  (AT 1,4,10 & 19)
Qerlenbach= ±0.3 m3/s After a 5 day dry spell with high evaporation the topsoil seemed to be dry. The precip was >30 mm/d.
20110710 Missed event
            Qerlenbach= ±0.78 m3/s, Short intense thunderstorm with precip > 30 mm/h

Friday, 8 July 2011

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Johannes Vermeer - Meisje met de parel



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