Just back from Europe's biggest geosciencse conference with most older hydrologist, some promotional work for the young with fresh ideas
. From the younghs webiste
“Dear reader,
Although this post is not strictly related to the main subject of
the current post, we got prof. Montanari’s approval to share a message
on this blog:
We would like to introduce you to an initiative to set up a
network for young (aspiring) scientists in the field of hydrology. The
latter is initiated by two M.Sc students that realized that there might
be a lot of potential in increasing the involvement of young scientists
by means of setting up a network. Examples of benefits could be:
- Stimulate bottom-up research initiatives, initiated by Ph.D/M.Sc peers,
– Improve research opportunities and collaboration by creating an easy accessible network,
– Stimulate awareness among young scientists about current and future research topics.
For this reason we have decided to explore the possibility to
start up a network, the EGU-HS Young Hydrologist Society. The first
meeting of the initiative is planned during the EGU General Assembly
2013 in Vienna. This meeting will be an interactive session where we
want to discuss the possible contribution of this network, what its
goals should be and how this should be organized in the most effective
fashion. During the coming months we would like to gather a team of
students and/or young scientists to further shape the initiative.
We would like to ask for your help by spreading this message to
your students. Any graduate or postgraduate student interested in
joining thus initiative is cordially invited to contact us.
More information on the initiative and the session at the EGU 2013 General Assembly can be found on http://www.younghs.com or requested by sending an email to younghydrologicsociety@mail.com. Any feedback by replying to this post or sending an email is highly appreciated.
Wouter Berghuijs & Tim van Emmerik
M.Sc. students Delft University of Technology”
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