Wednesday, 20 December 2023

Hello world #2

"Hello world" 

On 04-05-09, everything was new. I started my PhD adventure and hydrodroplets blog to update family, friends and colleagues. In the first years, I posted regularly about different short and longer water experiences. Towards the end of the PhD, with increasing stress levels, the number of posts decreased. 

Once I graduated, I started to explore the microblog Twitter to chirp shorter experiences. The quick and short style allowed me to communicate water-related tweets. At the time of writing, 1100+ tweets. Consequently, the blog posts decreased or got stuck at 100+ old-fashioned blog posts (day of writing). Despite not posting actual blog posts the, changed from blogging towards my "web-hub-portfolio" in which 

In time, online media keeps changing rapidly. Twitter changed with new positive and negative vibes to X while new players, e.g., 🧵or Bluesky, appeared. While such microblogs are helpful for rapid chirping, the quantity is not always quality. 

After these years, is still around. With the new website online, the plan is to convert hydrodroplets from a "web-hub-portfolio" again to a blog with more frequent, longer posts. 

Time will tell what the future brings, but there are many exciting things to blog and chirp about. Stay tuned...